Categories: Gas Fitting

Enhance Your Backyard with a Natural Gas Line

Backyard Gas Line

Spring officially begins March 20th, but that doesn’t mean we can’t start preparing. As Alberta eases out of a mild winter many Calgarians are already dreaming of backyard barbecues with family and friends. The smell of freshly grilled food, the sound of friendly chatter, the warm sunshine, warm weather and barbecuing go hand in hand. Installing a natural gas line for your home offers a variety of benefits.

  1. Never run out of fuel while barbecuing
    You have all the food ready to go, and your family and friends are all looking forward to a delicious meal. You fire up the grill, and nothing happens. You check the propane tank and find out it is empty. Now you have to run to the store or gas station to purchase more, and then there is the hassle of changing the tank. Connecting a gas line to your barbecue not only means you will have fuel on demand, it can also save you money. Even though natural gas requires more fuel to reach the same heat levels as propane it still costs significantly less. Some propane barbecues can even be professionally altered so they can run on natural gas, though this depends on the model of barbecue.
  2. Heat your deck or patio
    Having a natural gas line doesn’t just offer benefits while barbecuing. Gas powered patio heaters can help you keep warm outside and let you enjoy your deck or patio year round. Sit outside with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book, or warm up between snowball fights with the kids.
  3. Create memories around the fire pit
    Natural gas can also be used to power fire pits, saving you the hassle of buying wood or chopping your own. Whether you are looking for a romantic evening with your significant other or a fun filled evening with the whole family a fire pit creates a beautiful focal point that encourages talking and laughter.

Stave off the winter blues and get the best out of every season by installing a natural gas line in your backyard. Our specially trained technicians will obtain all the necessary permits and safely install a natural gas line in your backyard.

For more information about the benefits of natural gas lines, or to book an appointment, contact Lone Star Plumbing and Heating at 403.295.3028 today.

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