Why Install a Gas Line for Your Home Fireplace

Winter is on the way! Do you ever think about revamping your home by installing a gas line to power your fireplace? Here are our top reasons to go for it.

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There’s just nothing like cozying up by a fire on a cold winter evening, is there? A gas fireplace is a great way to provide heat to your home and creates a cozy hot-spot in one room where everyone will want to lounge.


Flickering flames and firelight create a calm, welcoming atmosphere that you just can’t get any other way. If you want to improve your home’s ambience, a fireplace is a surefire way to do so. A gas fireplace is particularly great for creating ambience because you can fully control it and turn it on and off instantly at your leisure.

Home Value

Installing a gas fireplace increases your home value, so if you are thinking about selling at some point, installing a gas line is a great investment that will pay off in the long term.

Energy Efficiency

A gas fireplace is an extremely efficient option for heating your home, which means you’ll save a bundle and help out the environment, too. Many people choose gas fireplaces because gas is more energy efficient than an electric fireplace and does not contribute to air pollution the way that a wood fireplace does.


A gas fireplace gives you all of the benefits and homey feelings of a wood fireplace, with none of the drawbacks. You don’t have to worry about firewood, smoke, or messy ash, you can enjoy your roaring fire exactly when you want to–and simply turn it off when you’re done!

Our technicians are here to help you with any gas line installation and gas fitting that you may need! Get in touch today with your questions or to book an appointment and stay cozy this winter.

Give Lone Star a call today at 587-600-3051