Categories: Gas Fitting

Don’t Be a Victim of Illegal Gas Line Installations

Gas Installations should only be completed by certified technicians

We all try to be careful when hiring contractors that come to our homes to retrofit or install various projects in and around the house. This rule of thumb is particularly important when it comes to potentially hazardous jobs, like gas fittings.  Having a gas line installed in Calgary is a quick and easy project, but it’s imperative that a certified and experienced technician administers the line for safety purposes.  Read on to learn more about some issues that can arise if you are not careful about who you hire for these projects.

A recent story was released in the United Kingdom regarding a gas fitter that was imprisoned due to improper gas line installations.  Over an 18-month period this technician failed to safely and legally install gas lines to several homes.  The problem surfaced after numerous customers called and complained.  After an investigation, he was found guilty of putting a number of residents in harm’s way.  Luckily no one was hurt, but many people were at risk for serious and potential issues.

Another similar story involved a man falsifying his name so that customers believed he was the owner of a plumbing and heating company.  Not only was this man uneducated on proper gas fitting protocols, but he wasn’t even a registered technician either.  After he administered work at one home, the customer became suspicious and called a registered gas company to come and survey the job.  The gas company issued a notice and corrected the gas line.  Again, no was hurt but many people were put in danger because of these acts.

One of Calgary’s top heating and plumbing companies, Lone Star Plumbing and Heating wants all residents of Calgary to be aware of these potential dangers before you have a gas fitting in your home.  Be sure to do some research on contractors and companies to ensure that they are certified and up-to-date on all their requirements.  If you need a gas line in your Calgary home, call the experienced and certified professionals at Lone Star Plumbing and Heating today at 403.295.3028 and have peace of mind that your home and family will be safe.

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