Categories: Gas Fitting

Avoid a Plumbing & Heating Disaster: Find Out How To Handle Gas Leaks

Overview: Gas is an essential part of the majority of homes throughout Calgary and Canada, and it provides us with many things – heating, cooked food, and warmth, to name but a few. But while gas does so much for us and our families, it can also pose a danger if not treated with the right caution. In this blog we’ll take a look at how gas can be dangerous and what to do in the event of a leak.

If you have a gas stove, gas furnace or even a gas barbecue, then you’ll know how important gas is to everyday life. But without the right care and attention, the very thing that looks after your family can suddenly pose a danger.

Why Is Gas So Dangerous?

Gas is dangerous for two reasons: firstly, if a large amount of it is ignited it can explode. Secondly, if it replaces enough of the air in a room, it can cause suffocation. The second danger has been largely mitigated by distributors giving gas an artificially unpleasant odour to make it obvious when even a small amount is in the air. However, explosion is a very real risk if a leak is not addressed straight away.

What Are The Common Causes of a Gas Leak?

Stoves are one of the most common gas appliances in households, and so it’s probably no surprise that gas stoves are one of the more common causes of a gas leak. Other causes include gas ovens, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems, gas fires and regular gas pipes. It can be beneficial to go through your home and identify all the appliances that use gas so you have an idea of where to start looking when you do smell a leak.

What Should I Do In the Event of a Leak?

Gas leaks are almost always detected by smelling the tell-tale unique odour that accompanies gas, so it’s important that your whole family is familiar with the odour and that they know what to do if they smell it.

The very first thing you should do in the event of a gas leak is increase ventilation to the area where the leak is by opening all doors and windows to increase air flow as much as possible.

No matter what you do, NEVER light a candle or match or turn on/off electrical appliances as this may cause a spark that could ignite the gas that has leaked and cause a deadly explosion.

Once you have maximized the ventilation to the area (even in the winter!) you can turn your attention to identifying the source of the leak. Often it may have been caused by something simple like a gas stove that hasn’t been turned off properly, or an extinguished pilot light, but other times it may be slightly more complex. If you can’t find the source easily, just call a heating and gas fitting expert and they’ll come straight away. If you can find the source and it’s something more complicated than just a gas stove, then you should still call a Calgary gas technician like Lone Star Plumbing and Heating.

How Can I Avoid Gas Leaks?

The best way to avoid gas leaks is to have a gas fitting, repair and maintenance expert come in regularly, around once a year at the very least, to maintain your gas appliances and to make sure they’re all functioning correctly. Without having a gas leak repair expert inspect your home regularly you could be putting both you and your family at risk.

Bottom Line: Although gas plays an essential role in the majority of homes in Calgary, it must be treated with respect and caution. By getting regular boiler and gas appliance maintenance you can drastically reduce the chances of having a gas leak, and by doing so you can protect you and your family. However, if you do smell a gas leak there are a few precautions you must take, such as maximizing ventilation and avoiding all sources of ignition, including matches, candles, and even turning on/off electrical appliances. Once these steps have been taken, you must then call a Calgary gas leak and repair expert like Lone Star Plumbing and Heating!

To find out more about gas stove maintenance, Calgary gas fitting, gas services or Calgary plumbing services in general, contact Lone Star Plumbing and Heating today on 403-295-3028.

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